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ESG Report


Celebrus conducts activities to the highest ethical standards and expects clients and suppliers to embrace these same principles. Our ESG report outlines how we conduct our activities and should be read in conjunction with our Corporate Governance Report.

Introduction and Overview:
How we incorporate ESG into what we do

In this third ESG Report to stakeholders, we report on the carbon audit for the calendar year 2023, which with comparative data for 2022 and 2021provides a good insight into progress, as well as pointers to what further action we can take to reduce the Group’s carbon footprint.

On behalf of the board and contributing employees, Celebrus Technologies plc is delighted to present its 2024 ESG report.  

First section
Describes environmental impact, including data on our carbon usage and initiatives to reduce the overall business impact on the environment. 

Second section
Focusses on the social impact Celebrus has made on our communities and on employee safety and wellbeing. 

Third section
Discusses the Celebrus approach and initiatives to being a good corporate partner - ensuring all our stakeholders are treated fairly, including policies covering matters such as tax fairness, bribery and whistleblowing.  

ESG Report 2024
ESG Report 2023
ESG Report 2022